About Us


Hi friend and welcome to DgiPoolProducts.com. In our site we are dedicated to bring you useful tips and honest products reviews of digital products.

Here at DgiPoolProducts.com we find real users of products and ask them to write about their experiences with the product. We ask them to talk about the good and the bad points of the product in their review and then edit their text to our “review format” to help you make an informed decision before making a purchase.

When purchasing a digital product or any other product online there is a good chance that you will find many “fake” reviews. This is because the product owner is either writing the review themselves or paying someone to do it for them to make the product sound good. These are obviously fake reviews and are of no use to anyone.

This is one reason why we created this site so that we can give you an unbiased review so you can see the good bits and bad bits of a product from a real user that actually uses the product.

DgiPoolProducts.com was started in 2010 and we now have several reviewers reviewing products as well as reviewers that we have found from forums etc that have already used the product.

We usually find our reviewers on forums that have posted a little about their experience with a product. We then ask them to write a full review for us on our website.

The great thing about DgiPoolProducts.com is that we allow comments. So if you’ve also used a product that we have reviewed then you can leave a comment and talk about your experience with it as well.

DgiPoolProducts.com is like a community because we ask our reviewers to stick around after they have written their review to answer questions that people leave in their comments. So if you would like to know something else about a product then just leave a comment under the review and the reviewer or a visitor passing by will usually help you pretty quickly.
If you have any additional questions, you can contact us here

Thanks for reading and we hope that you will enjoy your time here.

The DgiPoolProducts.com Team

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